Building "green" is a huge concept. It has an impact on the environment, economics, your health and the health of your family, politics, and many other areas of concern to all of us. It begins the moment you make the decision to build and from there, proceeds to touch every aspect of the process. It continues as an on-going example of who you are and how you live. Size, style, materials, and systems all determine the degree of "greenness".
Building green means that you consider the overall impact of the materials, techniques, and systems that you choose for your building project as they relate to the natural and human-made environments. The “greenest” construction projects produce the least amount of waste. They result in buildings that require less energy to build and less energy to operate and maintain, once they are completed. They have features that contribute to reducing our impact on the natural world and our dependence on and consumption of finite natural resources.
Green buildings are sustainable. Sustainable is defined as, "To keep in existence, able to keep from yielding or failing during stress. to provide with nourishment."
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